Almas Safdar
IGCSE/O/A-Level Mathematics
Ma'am Almas Safdar is is an accomplished IGCSE/O/A-level-Level Mathematics Teacher. She has an unmatched 23 Years’ experience of teaching Mathematics to AS & A-Level & IGCSE.
She has an unmatched teaching style. she has unparalleled grip over Mathematics Concepts and excellently train students over answering technique. She has a great fan following not only nationwide but also internationally.
Learn with GURU of Mathematics:
Learning with Ma'am Almas Safdar is not an ordinary experience. she is the Guru of the subject. Her classes are very interactive, blended with practical examples and personal insight. You will enjoy learning with Ma'am Almas Safdar
• 23 Years + Experience.
• 8,000 + Students
• 04 CAIE Distinctions.
• 1,500 + A* & As.
Pioneer in Modern Teaching Techniques:
Ma'am Almas Safdar is a Pioneer in adapting & introducing Modern Teaching Techniques in Mathematics. Use of Technology helps in saving time and making classes more effective.